by Tavia21 Sat May 07, 2011 11:24 pm
Anubis was dealing with a soul who had come for judgement, With the ibis headed Thoth, the god of Writing. WHo was writing down every word spoken in the judgement.
"If your heart is heavier than Ma'at's feather, than you shall be fed to Ammit." he said without emotion, "But be your heart lighter, than you will see paradise."
He took the dead person's heart and placed it on the scales, straight away it out-weighed Ma'at's feather. Anubis glared at him, "The scales have shown, you are unworthy...feed him to Ammit." he said to his soldiers.
The soul struggled as he was taken away but it was useless. Thoth turned to Anubis, "Many heavy hearts these days don't you think?"
Anubis looked to the ibises headed writer, "The world of mortals are full of darkness."